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Pitcher, New York

29 mi   other

Extension 1

Other route from Stoney Brook Rd to Kibbe Wilcox Rd, Pitcher, Chenango County, New York

2 mi   dirt

Pink Hill Rd

Dirt route from Pink Hill Rd to Pink Hill Rd, DeRuyter, Chenango County, New York

"Access to Lincklaen State Forest."

1 mi   dirt

Cemetery Rd

Dirt route from Cemetery Rd to Cemetery Rd, Pitcher, Chenango County, New York

"Great view from the cemetary looking West."

4 mi   dirt

Freeman Rd to Baumann Rd

Dirt route from Freeman Rd to Baumann Rd, Pitcher, Chenango County, New York

"Fast, loose, and rutted out in sections. Dirt transitions to pavement on Wothe Rd. Have heard accounts of un-friendly neighbors along the route, but it is a public road."

1 mi   dirt

Beardsley Rd

Dirt route from Beardsley Rd to Wothe Rd, Pitcher, Chenango County, New York

"Fast, loose, and rutted out in sections."

1 mi   dirt

Mullenax Rd

Dirt route from Mullenax Rd to Kibbe Wilcox Rd, Pitcher, Chenango County, New York

"Steep at the top"

1 mi   gravel

Holen Brauman Rd/Oak Hill Rd

Gravel route from County Rd 12 to Oak Hill Rd, Pitcher, Chenango County, New York

"even steeper!"
